More storms than calm
Photo by Ravi Pinisetti on Unsplash

More Storms Than Calm

Twack Romero
3 min readApr 20, 2021


When I think about the phrase ‘the calm before the storm’ I wonder whether the opposite is actually more fitting. Maybe that’s because there seem to be more storms than calm these days.

I always know when life is more turbulent than normal as the writing suffers. They do say, whoever ‘they’ are, that you should refrain from penning when your mood is off-kilter and for the most part I agree.

More than once I have had to delete large chunks of prose after reading back and realising that more than just ink has been transferred onto the paper.

Still, that is not the case today, I am calm, collected and in need of some literary therapy.

It has been a mad couple of days though, the time has evaporated like moisture in a heatwave. Still, I do feel as though I have been productive, even if not in all the areas I might like.

Changing tack, I wrote a paragraph on my Facebook story yesterday about tin openers, or can openers if you prefer. Here’s my thing, out of everything in my kitchen, I have replaced the tin opener the most, it’s the truth.

We’re talking at least two a year and we don’t even use a great deal of canned food. Frustration sets in when things stop working for no apparent reason.

My wife’s laptop, which is a ‘hand me up’ from one of our sons, is only a couple of years old and it runs slower than the ten-year-old one it was meant to replace and before you jump on me, I’m talking about it being slow directly after having Windows re-installed, so it should be close to how it was when it came out of the box.

Last one and I’ll stop ranting. Tis’ the season for getting those indoor vegetables sprouting so my wife bought a watering spray thingy, here’s what it looks like so you know what I’m on about.

More storms than calm

Now, it’s simple enough, you fill it with water, pull the trigger and it sprays. It’s not something Isambard Kingdom Brunel would have spent too much time designing.

So, after dutifully filling said item with water, I proceeded to pull the trigger looking forward to a wide, full mist of liquid…

Yep, it didn’t happen, it barely squirted anything out of the nozzle but did manage to seep out and drip all over my hand. It was a day old, what’s that all about?

Alright, rant over, time’s moving on and I’m already a day late with this and I’ve just remembered something but it will have to wait till the next one, something for the budding authors out there.

Have a good one.

Twack Romero.



Twack Romero

Middle-aged entrepreneur and would-be writer with aspirations way above my pay grade. The dream is to make a difference.