Are You Utilising Your Negative Voice
Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Are You Utilising Your Negative Voice

Twack Romero
3 min readApr 12, 2021


“Are you utilising your negative voice” was probably written on a chalkboard somewhere with the word ‘discuss’ underneath and underlined.

Following on from my last post ‘End Of The Week Or Beginning Of The Weekend?’ this is another item that was on Tom Bilyeu’s list. This time there were no notes after it so I’m wingin’ it this morning.

I kind of know what he means, or at least I think I do. Oftentimes we are able to use the negative to spur us on in certain situations.

There are enough naysayers around without having that voice in our heads sticking its oar in at the same time, but it’s not always possible to stop the thoughts before they manifest.

That said, it’s what we do with them that counts. There are some of us that can dig deep and find an extra gear when someone tells them they can’t do something, it fuels their fire.

Let’s face it, is there anything better than proving yourself wrong? Think about it.

I’m not a psychologist or even someone that has a good working knowledge of how the grey matter does its thang, all I know is that voice can be loud at times.

Are You Utilising Your Negative Voice
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

I know for a fact that more often than not if I allow it to be heard then the chances are it will have its way, it can be very persuasive and persistent.

Over the years I have become more adept at drowning it out. One of my early favourites was “You do not serve me” but I found that just starts a dialogue with myself which can be confusing, so now I just immediately think of something that makes me smile.

Within fifteen seconds the chances are the original bad thought has been wiped and a new train of thought has taken its place, sorted.

I don’t spend too much time trying to work out where it comes from, again, giving it too much attention seem counterproductive. The more you can divert your thoughts onto more positive aspects the better.

One thing that it does which you can use is that it will quite often point out the pitfalls of whatever it is that you’re planning to take on. There will be lots of ‘what ifs’ and ‘what abouts’.

Anyway, rather than me waffling on, you can read about it here, from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I didn’t realise that Tom Bilyeu had already written something and it’s on this very platform, who knew?

Go enjoy.

Twack Romero



Twack Romero

Middle-aged entrepreneur and would-be writer with aspirations way above my pay grade. The dream is to make a difference.